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The NSA Evaluated Products List: Your Trusted Guide to Top-Tier Data Security

The NSA Evaluated Products List: Your Trusted Guide to Top-Tier Data Security

The NSA Evaluated Products List: Your Trusted Guide to Top-Tier Data Security

In today’s digital age, data security is a top priority for organizations of all sizes. Sensitive information, from financial records and intellectual property to personal details and classified data, needs the ultimate protection from unauthorized access and potential breaches. The National Security Agency (NSA) plays a crucial role in safeguarding national security information, and their expertise extends to ensuring the efficacy of data destruction methods.

The NSA Evaluated Products List (EPL) serves as a vital resource for companies seeking the most secure solutions for data erasure. This article delves into the importance of the NSA EPL and highlights Verity Systems’ Crunch 250 and SDD Master, two industry-leading solutions for complete data destruction, both featured on this list.

The NSA EPL: A Benchmark for Secure Data Destruction

The NSA EPL meticulously evaluates commercially available data destruction equipment to ensure it meets the stringent requirements for sanitizing storage media containing classified information. Inclusion on the list signifies that a product has undergone rigorous testing and proven to be effective in permanently erasing data from a variety of storage devices. For organizations handling sensitive data, the NSA EPL serves as a trusted guide, offering peace of mind in their data security practices.

Verity Systems: Champions of Secure Data Erasure

Verity Systems has manufactured data security solutions for the industry for the past 30 years, with two products notably featured on the NSA EPL:

  • The Crunch 250: This industrial-grade hard drive crusher delivers unmatched performance for complete data erasure. Its immense crushing force obliterates hard disk drives (HDDs) into small pieces within 9 seconds, rendering data recovery physically impossible. For added versatility, the Crunch 250 can be equipped with an SSD adapter, transforming it into a powerful solution for destroying solid-state drives (SSDs) as well.
  • SDD Master: This 20,000 Gauss Force data destroyer offers another top-tier option specifically designed for data degaussing. This industrial-grade degaussing machine effectively erases data from HDDs, meeting the NSA’s rigorous standards for secure data sanitization. The SDD Master is ideal for organizations prioritizing a degaussing solution for their mechanical hard drives, ensuring complete data erasure.

Data Degaussing vs. Destruction: Understanding the Options

The NSA EPL encompasses two primary approaches to data destruction: degaussing and physical destruction.

  • Degaussing: This method utilizes powerful electromagnetic fields to disrupt the magnetic patterns on HDDs, effectively scrambling the data stored on the platters. While degaussing is a secure option for HDDs, it’s not suitable for SSDs, which utilize flash memory that’s unaffected by magnetic fields.
  • Physical Destruction: This approach involves physically shredding or crushing storage media, rendering the data inaccessible beyond any means of recovery. Verity Systems’ Crunch 250 exemplifies this method, offering complete data erasure for both HDDs and SSDs.

The Advantages of Physical Destruction for HDDs

While degaussing offers a fast and efficient way to erase data from HDDs, there are compelling reasons why physical destruction might be the preferred choice:

  • Uncompromising Security: Physical destruction guarantees complete data eradication, leaving no chance of data recovery using any known techniques. This is particularly crucial for organizations handling highly sensitive information.
  • Verification and Reporting: Modern data destruction equipment like the Crunch 250 provides post-destruction verification, ensuring all data has been successfully erased. Additionally, detailed reports are generated for audit trails and regulatory compliance.
  • Environmental Considerations: Verity Systems prioritizes environmental responsibility in product manufacturing. The Crunch 250 is designed for minimal energy consumption and can be operated in an office environment.


For organizations seeking the highest level of data security, the NSA Evaluated Products List serves as a valuable resource. Verity Systems’ Crunch 250 and SDD Master, both listed on the NSA EPL, offer best-in-class solutions for complete data destruction of both HDDs and SSDs. By understanding the advantages of physical destruction and the capabilities of leading products like the Crunch 250, companies can confidently ensure their sensitive data remains permanently secure, safeguarding their information and mitigating the risks associated with data breaches.

Explore the most suitable data destruction solutions for your business needs and contact us today: [email protected]

Photo credit: Iconica Media

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