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Why Degaussing and Destroying Data are Crucial for Hosting Companies

Why Degaussing and Destroying Data are Crucial for Hosting Companies

Why Degaussing and Destroying Data are Crucial for Hosting Companies

In the age of big data, hosting companies hold the keys to a vast digital kingdom. From personal information to financial records and proprietary business data, the information entrusted to them is immense. With this responsibility comes a critical obligation: ensuring the complete and permanent erasure of data when its lifecycle ends. Here’s why degaussing and physical destruction are no longer optional tools for hosting companies, but essential practices for guaranteeing data security.

The Fallacy of Wiping: Traditional data wiping methods, like formatting, create a false sense of security. While they overwrite the directory structure, the actual data remains hidden but recoverable with sophisticated techniques. This poses a significant risk, as discarded storage devices from hosting companies can become treasure troves for malicious actors.

Degaussing: A Magnetic Marvel: For certain types of storage media, degaussing offers a powerful solution. Here’s what degaussing entails:

  • Magnetic Field Exposure: Degaussers expose data storage devices to a powerful, controlled magnetic field. This field disrupts the magnetic patterns on hard disk drives (HDDs), effectively scrambling the data and rendering it unreadable.
  • Permanent Erasure: Unlike wiping, degaussing doesn’t overwrite data; it physically alters it. The disrupted magnetic patterns cannot be recovered, even with advanced data recovery software.
  • Media Specificity: It’s important to note that degaussing is primarily effective for HDDs, which rely on magnetism for data storage. Solid-state drives (SSDs), increasingly used in hosting environments, require a different approach.

See the DataGone LG Plus degausser for high volume data destruction with magnetic erasure.

The Destroyer’s Advantage: For SSDs and other non-magnetic media, physical destruction using industrial shredders becomes the go-to method for secure data erasure. Here’s how shredding works:

  • Industrial-Grade Power: Shredders utilize powerful blades that pulverize storage devices into minuscule particles. This significantly reduces the possibility of data reconstruction, even by the most determined attacker.
  • Versatility: Modern shredders can handle a wide range of media formats, from SSDs and flash drives to magnetic tapes, catering to the diverse storage needs of hosting companies.
  • Witnessing the Process: Some shredders feature transparent viewing windows, allowing authorized personnel to witness the destruction process firsthand. This transparency builds trust with clients and ensures auditable proof of data erasure.

See the Crunch 250 HDD and SSD destroyer for more information (SSD destruction requires an adapter for this unit, sold separately).

Beyond Security: The Benefits of Degaussing and Destroying Data

Implementing degaussing and data destruction practices offers hosting companies a multitude of benefits:

  • Enhanced Client Trust: In today’s data-driven world, clients prioritize security. By employing robust data erasure methods, hosting companies demonstrate a commitment to protecting sensitive information, fostering trust and loyalty.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Data privacy regulations like GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) mandate secure data disposal practices. Degaussing and shredding provide verifiable proof of data erasure, aiding hosting companies in adhering to these regulations.

Choosing the Right Method: Degaussing vs. Destroying

The optimal data erasure method depends on the type of storage media being used:

  • HDDs: Degaussing offers a fast and efficient solution for hard disk drives.
  • SSDs and Other Media: For SSDs, flash drives, and other non-magnetic media, physical destruction using industrial shredders is the preferred method.


In the ever-evolving digital landscape, data security is no longer a luxury; it’s a necessity. By embracing degaussing and data destruction practices, hosting companies can ensure the complete erasure of sensitive information, safeguarding client data, complying with regulations, and promoting responsible environmental practices. This commitment to data security strengthens client trust, fosters long-term business success, and positions hosting companies as leaders in a data-driven world.

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