How to demonstrate data destruction transparency with the “right to delete” in consideration - Store - Verity Systems

How to demonstrate data destruction transparency with the “right to delete” in consideration

How to demonstrate data destruction transparency with the “right to delete” in consideration

How to demonstrate data destruction transparency with the “right to delete” in consideration

We’ve previously touched on how data destruction can be a good way of reducing legal risk associated with data breaches, but there are also public facing benefits for businesses that want to demonstrate their commitment to data security.

For businesses and government organizations holding personal information, the concept of a “right to delete” has become more universally adopted. Individuals in certain countries can ask for their personal information to be deleted by an entity (pending any legal reasons for data to be held). This gives an incentive for organizations to provide transparency when it comes to these types of requests, and to demonstrate their commitment to protecting and erasing data when requests are made.

While this may not always be a consideration of certain types of companies, having a transparent data destruction policy can provide additional benefits in terms of public image and reputation. Beyond the capability of securely destroying data, having a documenting process for data that is deleted ensures that employees and customers are on the same page when it comes to their personal information.

Hospitals, banks, insurance companies, police departments, universities, tech startups and many more different types of organizations can benefit from data destruction as a process that is universally understood — and therefore, part of normal day-to-day operations.

Using data destroyers such as the Crunch 250 or the DataGauss Max degausser along with a data auditing suite means an organization has access to the most transparent and secure way of data destruction. By implementing a data destruction approach as part of an organization’s overall data policy, this process can ensure a company stays compliant with data regulations while showcasing an ongoing commitment to safe data disposal for all relevant stakeholders, both internal and external.

If you are considering to improve your data destruction capabilities or would like to explore how you can securely erase data from your existing IT systems, get in contact with us today for a free consultation: [email protected]

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